Download the new for ios UpdatePack7R2 23.7.12
Download the new for ios UpdatePack7R2 23.7.12

download the new for ios UpdatePack7R2 23.7.12

The / WimFile = key specifies the location of the wim file, you must specify an absolute path. Index = specifies the index of the system in the wim-file, for each index it is necessary to perform the integration again.

download the new for ios UpdatePack7R2 23.7.12

The / Index = * key allows one-by-one integration of updates into all indexes of the wim-file. Before you specify an index, it's useful to run the command: Dism / Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:install.wim (replace the path with your own). It is necessary to integrate IE11 and all updates into 1 index: UpdatePack7R2.exe / ie11 /WimFile=C:install.wim / Index = 1 Not all updates can be integrated (see table), but they will not affect the security of the system.

Download the new for ios UpdatePack7R2 23.7.12